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EmiClare H - EMI EMC Transparent Heater Window

 An EmiClare emi emc window with a heating circuit for defrosting and/or maintaining LCD's at 10-20'C for optimum screen response. Emiclare EMI mesh provides the EMI attenuation and ITO coating provides the heater element

EmiClare®H windows are available in glass with VRD140 non glare or Anti-Reflective coating on the front surface. The ITO heater surface is located on the back surface or inside the laminate for environmental protection.


The screen response of many new liquid crystal displays is temperature dependent and if the operating environment for these displays falls below 10'C and in some cases below 20'C a significant change in response time occurs. 
Visiontek Systems Ltd have developed a laminated emi window which incorporates our proprietary EmiClare mesh technology with an ITO heater circuit. The result is a high light transmission emi/heated window with excellent broad band emi characteristics.
In addition to its basic function this window design offers outstanding mechanical and impact resistant properties which makes it suitable for use in a variety of "rugged" environments. The ITO heating surface can also be located within the laminate to protect it from environmental damage in harsh environments.
Extensive alpha site testing on a military application have qualified this window design as a defrost and heater unit able to maintain 20'C +/- 2'C at the LCD with an outside temperature of -50'C and over temperature gradients of 3'C/minute.

Typical EMI shielding characteristics.

Electric Field
Freq.(MHz)  1  10 
Atten. (dB) 70 68 68 68  65
Electric Field
Freq.(MHz)  20 50  100  200 500 1000
Atten. (dB) 50  63 70  68 62 55


Maximum size
Heating element  300 x 400mm
Front glass  400 x 600mm
Minimum thickness 4.3 - 4.5mm
Emi Shielding 
ITO coating on glass 13-16 ohms/square

EmiClare GP70 mesh

Emi termination
Silver busbar to the inside flat surface of the step
Extended mesh wrapped over a sponge gasket
Heater element
ITO coating on glass 13-16 ohms/square

Heater Termination
Busbar on the two horizontal edges. An equipment wire is soldered to the busbar and the complete termination encapsulated in a glass cloth insulating tape.

Temperature range -40'C to +75'C

For product performance information, please contact VisionTek Systems Ltd.
